Monday, May 11, 2009

Hemingway's Criticism

Ernest Hemingway has a direct, yet subtle style of writing. He is sometimes called an international writer because he always went into different cultures and never stuck with one national identity. Being characterized as a American writer is sometimes a problem because in some of his writings, Hemingway put his narrators as American Men, but the protagonists are from a foreign country. Then his settings were normally set in foreign countries as well. His way of writing fiction is never blunt, yet direct. Many critics have classified Hemingway’s writings as “hard boiled”, a term that was originated from WWI training camps, but later the usage was used for literature. “Hard Boiled” style means that unfeeling, unemotional, rough, or coldhearted. Hemingway’s style was constantly viewed as concrete, direct, and short, that was a way his stories were always instantly identifiable with him. Hemingway had an awareness of the truth of facts and events which lead to proper feeling of emotion.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the layout of your blog! It was so well written and well organized! You guys did an awesome job! :)

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  4. Looks really good! I like it! Nice big picture. I can tell you guys worked hard on it.
    Posted by Pablo

  5. Good organization, and good picture. Well done.
    Posted by Julio

  6. Great Blog! Lots of good info I didn't know about.

  7. Great Blog and lots of good info. I never knew about Hemmingway's personal life.

  8. I like that you had so much information on this author. your blog looked really cool to. Good job!
